martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Give color to Carcassonne

Today, we bring you one of the latest news from Hans im Glück: the complete family of meeple of Carcassonne in natural wood, without coloring.

It's a perfect choice to decorate them as you like: a special color, a special clothing,... Carcassonne is full of opportunities to develop creativity and this is a very interesting option.

A few days ago DEVIR held its traditional Devir Fest and we use this image accompanied by a friendly text. Each of the meeple in ten different colors that represented different costume options and the poor meeple did not quite decide.

DEVIRFEST tonight...
¡¡And I still haven't decided my dress!!

To the extensive list of colors that appear in the image would add one more: the white meeple.

With the same idea, giving color to the Carcassonne World, we have recovered fantastic drawing published 5 years ago by our friend Hiew Chok Sien, of Malaysia. The version of Carcassonne box illustration is part of a series of cards to congratulate his friends birthday in which Hiew interprets different table games, always with characters from one of the most famous games of construction. As a starting point, he used box of Rio Grande in which knight meets a Robber at the Port d' Aude.

We show you the illustration of Carcassonne in original version and in an adaptation we have prepared in which only traces are maintained and the shadows have been removed . They are perfect for printing and the children (and the not so young) enjoy coloring the walls to the Knight, Robber,...

Así que ya sabes: consigue tus meeples de madera natural, imprime los dibujos de Hiew...

Let´s go: gets your meeple of natural wood, prints Hiew drawings...

... ¡¡and give color to Carcassonne World!!

Illustrations are courtesy of Sien Chok Hiew. We encourage you to visit Hiew´s blog and enjoy all artwork.

Carcassonne, Pieza de Inicio (Carcassonne, Starting tile)

You can download the images with higher resolution using dropbox. It is not necessary to have this application installed. Just click here.